Draama 2024

Only Rivers Run Free

Ekspeditsioon/Von Krahl

Only Rivers Run Free foto
Photo: Kristiina Praks
02.09.2023 at 7 p.m.
Event Center of Comb Factory
04.09.2023 at 7 p.m.
Event Center of Comb Factory
05.09.2023 at 8 p.m.
Event Center of Comb Factory
06.09.2023 at 7 p.m.
Event Center of Comb Factory

"Only Rivers Run Free" is a concert about people. Yes, a concert. A continuous musical journey that rocks, screams, caresses, yearns, disappoints, dreams. Drums, guitars, pan flutes and rubber ball are being played. Hands are crossed on the chest or in front of the eyes and there’s singing. It's like looking at a huge painting or reading a thick novel or wandering through an endless city, looking for nothing in particular yet moving for hours and hours. Once you have started, you never expect the end

The production is the fourth collaboration between director Lauri Lagle and his troupe. The joint expedition began almost three years ago. The genuine energy of the actors, the haunting and memorable atmospheres, the longing to rise above the everyday while holding on to the ordinary - these are the goals that have carried the productions so far. "Only Rivers Run Free” is a slap directly in the soul.

Estonian Theatre Awards 2023: the production is nominated in the categories of best stage designer - Artur Arula - ja best male supporting actor - Sander Roosimägi - .

NB! There are loud sounds during the show.

Director Lauri Lagle

Art Director Arthur Arula

Sound Director Jürgen Reismaa

Dramaturg Eero Epner

Dramaturgical Assistance Mart Kangro

Light Designer Siim Reispass

Musical Consultant Artjom Astrov

On stage and composition Marika Vaarik, Rasmus Kaljujärv, Jörgen Liik, Katariina Tamm, Mari Abel, Sander Roosimägi, Rea Lest, Simeoni Sundja