Draama 2024

Café Théâtral

Estonian Drama Theatre

Café Théâtral foto
Photo: Heikki Leis
       08.09.2023       at 7.30 p.m.
The Small Building of Theatre Vanemuine
       09.09.2023       at 2 p.m. (with english translation)
The Small Building of Theatre Vanemuine

Right now is the best of times, right now is the worst of times, it’s the time of wisdom, it’s the time of stupidity, the time of Light, the time of Darkness, the winter of discontent and the spring of hope. We have everything in front of us, nothing is waiting for us, we all go to heaven, we go straight to hell. There’s too much of everything, there’s too little of everything! And all of it takes us to Café Théâtral.

People summon every evening in a city centre cellar to open up through song and music. The cabaret stage is taken by the most sensitive, most charming and the craziest of people. And now Café Théâtral is opening its doors to everyone.

The premiere was held on December 2, 2022 in the Grand hall.

Authors and directors: Karmo Nigula and Hendrik Toompere jr
Dramaturge: Andrus Kivirähk
Lyrics: Laur Lomper, Andrus Kivirähk, Kairi Kruus, Teele Pärn, Vaiko Eplik, Ülle Kaljuste, Karmo Nigula
Stage designer: Illimar Vihmar
Costume designer: Kärt Ojavee
Assistant to the costume designer: Carmen Kremm
Lighting designer: Sander Aleks Paavo (Ugala Theatre)
Movement director: Villiko Kruuse
Singing instructor: Kaire Vilgats
Cast: Viire Valdma, Ülle Kaljuste, Hilje Murel, Teele Pärn, Tõnis Niinemets, Tõnu Kark, Rein Oja, Raimo Pass, Laine Mägi, Karmo Nigula, Hendrik Toompere jr.
Band: Kristjan-Robert Rebane, Madis Muul, Marten Altrov, Ahto Abner

Karmo Nigula, Hendrik Toompere jr and the staging team – nominees of the special word performance award 2023.

The performance lasts for 1 hour and 40 minutes without an intermission.

The performance includes cigarette smoke, theatrical smoke and some spicy language.