Draama 2024


Sveta Grigorjeva/Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava

Fakerz foto
Photo: Kris Moor
10.09.2022       at 8 p.m.
The Harbour Theatre (Soola 5b)
11.09.2022       at 4 p.m.
The Harbour Theatre (Soola 5b)

(fake feathers on your skin)

Have you ever felt while listening to the radio that you know the lyrics to this song, even though you are only hearing the song for the first time?
Maybe you even hum along and fill unknown gaps with la-la-la-la? It is as if you know somehow you can sing this song, you know the lyrics and the melody.

This can also happen with dance and various movement techniques. They may not be based on personal experience or even reality, but on rumors and imagination.

Many of us have an idea of ​​how bachata or tango work, even though we have never danced them ourselves.

FAKERZ is a production where people on stage allow themselves to be seduced by various dance – faking, hacking, remixing them. They use keywords, rumors, fragments of social media, personal memory and physical imagination.

Fakerzes are interested in the idea of ​​a fictitious middle-something, within which a phenomenon that could be called a “collective body of a dance hacker” could operate freely.

Fakerzes are not interested in authenticity. They don’t know what’s real.
They still don’t know what the body is capable of.
Don’t you know either!

Director-choreographer: Sveta Grigorjeva
Dancers: Üüve-Lydia Toompere, Julia Koneva, Helena Pihel, Siim Tõniste, Kaie Küünal, Rauno Zubko, Indrek Kornel
Composer: Alvin Raat
Lighting designer: Karolin Tamm
Set and costume designer: Mara Kirchberg
Dramaturg: Kerli Ever
Technician: Marko Odar
Hair and makeup advisor: Liisi Kõuhkna
Supported by: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Goethe Instituut, Uuskasutuskeskus

Premiere was held on 25.09.2021 in Free Stage Narva

The performance consist of one act without an intermission and lasts for 1 hour.